Introducing OVRLand Mapping
NFTs are the building blocks of the open Metaverse, creating permanent digital assets that can interact and exist in multiple Metaverses.
OVRLand NFTs are the building blocks of the AR Metaverse, creating a bridge between the digital and the physical world through geographic coordinates.
But what if we could make this bridge even more effective? What if we can bring more than geographic coordinates into the Metaverse? What if we could digitize and bring a 3D structure of the physical world onto the blockchain?
That’s what we’re building with OVRLand Mapping. Thanks to the powers of AI, we can now generate a 3D map of the physical world. Simply by taking pictures (no lidar or other expensive HW needed), we require only the smartphone in your pocket. All OVER users can potentially contribute to creating the biggest detailed 3D map of the real world.
Why is this so important, you may ask? Because this open mapping system will bring the OVER AR Metaverse to a whole new level. Currently, when geolocalizing an AR asset in an OVRLand there’s the limitation of the GPS accuracy, usually no better than within 6 meters. However, a scanned OVRLand will have a localization precision down to 20 cm! That opens up a whole new realm of opportunities in creating AR experiences that before were not technically feasible: localizing experiences on a specific wall or a statue outdoor, precisely superimposing AR to existing buildings, geolocating assets indoor and on multiple floors, just to name a few… No other platform in the blockchain, nor in the traditional world, can currently achieve this.
This is not only about AR precision and creating a wider bridge between the physical and the digital world, this is about creating new economies for OVER.
Axie Infinity demonstrated what the potential of play-to-earn is. It enabled a crowd of players to earn a living in the Metaverse, while creating social inclusion between some of the poorest populations on our planet. OVER will take this one step further.
OVER, with its technology, will unleash the potential of Map to Earn.
We will enable a crowd of OVRLand Mappers to earn OVR tokens by simply scanning physical locations with the smartphone they have in their pockets. We foresee this activity being subsidized by OVER, using the revenues from OVRLand sales. Also OVRLand owners that decide to make their OVRLands even more valuable and usable, may add the 3D mapping. Finally, institutions will also harness the OVER platform to populate the Public Utility Layer of their territories.
But now, let’s go back to earth for a moment… how can we be so sure that we will be able to involve enough people to make this happen?
Because we already did it once! In the last year, treasure hunters physically went to over one million locations to collect our tokens, which would have already mapped 300.000 sq Km!
And that’s not all, another important question is what parts of the world should be mapped? OVER has an answer to this question, OVRLand buyers generated a “Wisdom of the Crowds” based map, 6k+ investors voting with their wealth on the most important locations in the world.
Davide Cuttini, CEO of OVER, talks about the future of AR Metaverses:
“When I imagine a world where reality and virtuality are fused, where thanks to small contact lenses I can’t distinguish real and unreal projections, the crowdsourced 3D world scanning is the foundational brick needed to create an amazing new infrastructure. Without the complete understanding of the real world through AI models available from commodity devices, no AR platforms will see significant adoption. I think that OVER is headed in the right direction to democratize access to this amazing new way to live our lives!”