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Over the Reality

Over the Reality


It has been 16 incredible months since the public launch of the Over the Reality Platform, during this period we achieved extraordinary goals in terms of community adoption and software development.

While building the platform and seeing how the community interacts with it by uploading experiences in the AR Metaverse, the need for precise geolocalization – beyond GPS accuracy –  both indoor and outdoor,  emerged as the pivotal point for the creation of the AR Metaverse.

We want the Over the Reality platform to be top of the mind for anyone who wants to augment the physical world with geolocalized AR.

Achieving such a goal is not only about software development but also about positioning Over the Reality in the market as a reference player.

As part of our increased marketing efforts, we’re rebranding OVR into OVER. Over is the first part of our extended company name Over the Reality, better pointing at our vision of building a persistent and decentralized digital layer OVER the physical world.