Augmented Reality and potential use cases
Augmented reality although a very innovative technology is still at its infancy, i.e. largely under-utilized. With most use cases strictly in gaming and a bit in online retailing, one would agree that the potential of AR technology is such that it is yet to be strongly felt around the world.
Since the emergence of COVID-19, the government has continuously admonished people to practise social distancing, thus, the reason for the cancelation of various big events ranging from music festivals, fashion shows, concerts and other forms of exhibition. This is done to curb large gatherings of people and limit the dominance of the virus.
The lockdown has rather had a negative effect on almost all of us, as fun activities which we regularly crave for such as; like going for music concerts, travelling, swimming, and even watching football games are now a thing of the past. A sad reality isn’t it?
A light in the dark…
However, the human mind is such that it will always seek means to proffer solutions to problems and as such will turn to alternatives that provide that solution. The turn of events has seen an increased usage of social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Zoom and YouTube, as most artists leveraging these platforms have got to perform their very first virtual concert with a lot of fans subscribing to view them.
The number of people engaging in virtual concerts and augmented reality games as a means of easing the boredom brought about by this pandemic has left a string of thoughts in our hearts; Perhaps, virtual and augmented reality has not fully materialized its potentials? Should we provide more use cases for AR in case of events like this pandemic?
As mentioned earlier, augmented reality is still at its infancy, however, events like the pandemic have opened our eyes to the usefulness of virtual and augmented reality technology thanks to platforms like Instagram, Facebook and YouTube.
Instagram Live usage for instance, jumped 70% in the last month! A psychologist at Stetson University, Chris Ferguson, in a conversation with Business Insider, says it’s because “Generally, people are not designed to be isolated from each other. It’s not evolutionary how we’ve been programmed.” He further stated that “People are turning to screens and technology to get their social needs met that they can’t get in ‘real life.”
The silver linen…
The above notion clearly explains the opportunities yet to be harnessed by augmented reality as the benefits it offers for digital entertainment, are still largely untapped. Hence, the indispensability of OVR.
OVR is the decentralized infrastructure for the spatial web, merging physical and virtual world through Augmented Reality, creating a new dimension where everything is possible.
OVR provides the decentralized infrastructure where any form of digital entertainment events ranging from music festivals, sports, fashion shows, concerts and other events are made possible via the technology of AR.
Our ecosystem is such that provides users with an AR infrastructure (OVRLand), in which can be utilized to contextualize custom experiences related to specific geographic locations, from static 3D content to Games, Events, Avatars and any experience they dare to dream.
Virtual reality will keep on getting better and more engaging provided these use cases are efficiently harnessed by augmented reality.
Thus, OVR is creating the bridge that will allow for mutual colloboration between 3D content creators, artists, fashion designers and other entertainers who utilizing AR, will keep providing entertaining contents to their fans irrespective of the situation at hand. This will ultimately lead to the growth of digital entertainment!