
Siena, Kevin Boateng e Valentina Fradegrada si sposano oggi a Radicondoli


Siena, Kevin Boateng e Valentina Fradegrada si sposano oggi a Radicondoli

    Click here to read the full article: https://www.lanazione.it/siena/cronaca/boateng-matrimonio-1.7770216

A Metaverse Wedding Ceremony: Celebrating Valentina & Prince’s Union


A Metaverse Wedding Ceremony: Celebrating Valentina & Prince’s Union

    Click here to read the full article: https://thecapital.io/article/a-metaverse-wedding-ceremony-celebrating-valentina–princes-union-N4CLOKmwMpic0PPfs5P

Have you heard this Bundesliga Star Footballer is going to have a wedding in the Metaverse?


Have you heard this Bundesliga Star Footballer is going to have a wedding in the Metaverse?

Click here to read the full article: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2022/06/09/have-you-heard-this-bundesliga-star-footballer-is-going-to-have-a-wedding-in-the-metaverse/ 

Exjugador del Barcelona celebra matrimonio en el metaverso


Exjugador del Barcelona celebra matrimonio en el metaverso

    Click here to read the full article: https://es.beincrypto.com/exjugador-barcelona-celebra-matrimonio-metaverso/ 

NFT-Hochzeit: Kevin-Prince Boateng heiratet im Metaverse


NFT-Hochzeit: Kevin-Prince Boateng heiratet im Metaverse

    Click here to read the full article: https://www.berliner-zeitung.de/sport-leidenschaft/cyberspace-warum-die-hochzeit-von-kevin-prince-boateng-fuer-aufsehen-sorgt-li.234707

OVER App release: update your OVER App version!


OVER App release: update your OVER App version!

If the previous implementations of cross-metaverse assets brought OVERapp into another level of augmented reality, these ones will definitely make your NFT even more real. With the last release, we implemented the occlusion in the “My NFT” section. And today, we are proudly announcing that we have upgraded the OVER platform with some improvements and […]

Bundesliga Star Footballer Kevin Prince Boateng Set To Have Wedding In The Metaverse


Bundesliga Star Footballer Kevin Prince Boateng Set To Have Wedding In The Metaverse

  Click here to read the full article: Bundesliga Star Footballer Kevin Prince Boateng Set To Have Wedding In The Metaverse

Football Star Kevin Prince Boateng set to Marry in OVER Metaverse


Football Star Kevin Prince Boateng set to Marry in OVER Metaverse

    Click here to read the full article: https://thebitcoinnews.com/football-star-kevin-prince-boateng-set-to-marry-in-over-metaverse/

OVER App Update: Introducing Real World Occlusion


OVER App Update: Introducing Real World Occlusion

AR technology is progressing at an unprecedented pace; Apple and Google are investing billions in R&D to equip our smartphones – and soon our smart glasses – with hardware and software capable of blurring the distinction between the physical and virtual world. We’re happy to announce that leveraging such developments, we’re pushing the envelope of […]

OVER Rewards Lucky April OVRLand Buyers


OVER Rewards Lucky April OVRLand Buyers

In line with our upgraded tokenomics, we have randomly selected lucky OVRLand buyers in April and rewarded them with 10% (13932.89) of the total OVR Tokens realized from the April sale making it a total of 50%.  More info at our GitHub https://github.com/OVR-Platform/ovrland-monthly-chainlink-extractions   The following are the details of the winners: UID: c1e9bdb7-c42c-11ec-9c14-c9a8a515f423 WALLET: […]

March OVR Token Burn


March OVR Token Burn

We have burned 40% of the OVR tokens realized from OVRLand sales and 10% of sales (total of 50%) has been used to reward OVRLand buyers. This fulfills our commitment outlined in our upgraded tokenomics. Following is the details of the 40% of the tokens realized from OVRLand sales in the month of February and […]

OVER Unity SDK Alpha Update


OVER Unity SDK Alpha Update

Building and creating content in the OVER ecosystem is getting more interesting and sophisticated by the day. A few months back, we released the first Alpha version of the Unity SDK plugin. With the latest release, we’ve made the development environment in the OVER app more compatible so that you can take advantage of all […]

IBCO Voting Proposal


IBCO Voting Proposal

TLDR: Vote to change the current Token Burn Mechanics. Use up to ½ of the liquidity of the IBCO to buy and burn tokens from the market. Since the launch of the OVER platform, we’ve burned more than 2 million OVR Tokens. This was possible, thanks to the burning mechanism linked to OVRLand sales. This […]

OVER Compounded Staking 3.0


OVER Compounded Staking 3.0

OVER staking smart contracts had incredible success with over 5 Mln OVR Tokens locked between 3 and 12 months. Such adoption demonstrates strong commitment and trust in the project from the community. Very few projects can drive such a long-term commitment from token holders. Staking is a way to reduce token velocity, hence sustaining the […]

OVER Rewards Lucky March OVRLand Buyers


OVER Rewards Lucky March OVRLand Buyers

In line with our upgraded tokenomics, we have randomly selected lucky OVRLand buyers in March and rewarded them with 10% (18275.21) of the total OVR Tokens realized from the March sale making it a total of 50%.  More info at our GitHub https://github.com/OVR-Platform/ovrland-monthly-chainlink-extractions   The following are the details of the winners: UUID: 594f9134-54ad-4805-aef1-6d9a1a8c0bce WALLET: […]

OVRLand ownership layer is now fully operational on Polygon


OVRLand ownership layer is now fully operational on Polygon

The primary and secondary markets are now live! OVRLand ownership layer is now fully operational on Polygon; the primary and secondary markets are now live! And that’s not all. Renting smart contracts are going to be released very soon! Primary market sales are accessible from Ethereum, Polygon, and BSC, while decentralized secondary markets – OVER […]