
OVER Team Revamps OVER ARwards, Dubs The New Edition The ‘Venue Design Contest’
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7ª Edición de los ARwards de OVER
Click here to read the complete article: 7ª Edición de los ARwards de OVER

OVER Rewards Lucky September OVRLand Buyers
In line with our upgraded tokenomics, we have randomly selected lucky OVRLand buyers in September and rewarded them with 10% (3877.13) of the total OVR Tokens realized from the September sale making it a total of 50%. More info at our GitHub The following are the details of the winners: UUID: 952e5807-049b-4570-9f7e-d118edb034f4 WALLET: 0x7f70d6478d94da3c6637766b5861e0ea6544a1c6 […]

OVER Announces 7th Edition of Creator’s Contest – An Innovation to Drive More Creativity in The Metaverse
Click here to read the full article: OVER Announces 7th Edition of Creator’s Contest – An Innovation to Drive More Creativity in The Metaverse

Keys to Augmented Reality Success
Click here to read the complete article: Keys to Augmented Reality Success

Venue Design Contest: the OVER ARwards revamped edition
The ARwards are back and it is bigger and better than ever! We listened to community feedback from the previous ARwards and implemented a few changes that everyone will love in this 7th Edition. One goal still remains – to help creators unleash their creativity! Now, creators will have until October 4 to December […]

OVER ARwards Get Revamped As Over The Reality Unveils Exciting New Contest
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Over the Reality Web3 Manifesto
We believe that AR is the future of human interaction with information. There is a technological trajectory in the way we interact with information: we started with oral history and pictographs, we invented scripture and the printing press, we built mainframes and terminals, then desktops, laptops, and currently smartphones, our primary means to interact with information, […]

OVER Renting Smart Contracts
We are proud to announce the release of the Beta version of OVER Renting Smart Contracts! This is a big step in the development of OVER, which increases the platform’s utility and usability and creates a new monetization vector for OVRLand. The whole system is conceived to maximize OVRLand availability, limit monopoly risks, and solve […]

Open Metaverses: The Future of Digital Nation States
Click here to read the full article: Open Metaverses: The Future of Digital Nation States

Web3 Powering Open Metaverses to Create Digital Nations
Click here to read the full article: Web3 Powering Open Metaverses to Create Digital Nations

The Building Blocks of a Digital Nation
What is a Nation? The standard definition of “Nation” states: “A Nation is a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language inhabiting a particular country or territory.” Moreover, usually, a nation corresponds to a state that maintains the monopoly on the “legitimate use of violence” both internally and externally to […]

Here’s How ‘Digital Nations’ Are Being Formed and Why They Matter
Click here to read the full article: Here’s How ‘Digital Nations’ Are Being Formed and Why They Matter

OVER Rewards Lucky August OVRLand Buyers
In line with our upgraded tokenomics, we have randomly selected lucky OVRLand buyers in August and rewarded them with 10% (5639.58) of the total OVR Tokens realized from the August sale making it a total of 50%. More info at our GitHub The following are the details of the winners: UUID: 750464cb-231e-451e-8547-136a27a7f380 WALLET: […]

My Neighbor Alice (ALICE) Collaborates with OVER App, Launches Prize Hunt
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OVER – An International Team of Web 3 Professionals
OVER is a cutting-edge, mixed reality (AR/VR), world-scale, interoperable Metaverse that is open source and powered by the Ethereum Blockchain. Users are able to have in-depth interactions with digital content through the use of mobile devices such as a smartphone or AR glasses. The OVER Metaverse The company launched in 2019 and today the […]