
OVER Rewards Lucky July OVRLand Buyers


OVER Rewards Lucky July OVRLand Buyers

In line with our upgraded tokenomics, we have randomly selected lucky OVRLand buyers in July and rewarded them with 10% (5862.62) of the total OVR Tokens realized from the July sale making it a total of 50%.  More info at our GitHub https://github.com/OVR-Platform/ovrland-monthly-chainlink-extractions   The following are the details of the winners: UUID: 58d3496f-4939-4183-a69f-08a8afdbac35 WALLET: […]

TINUS Affiliate Program: Join the Web 3 Fashion Collective


TINUS Affiliate Program: Join the Web 3 Fashion Collective

Web 3.0 and NFT wearables give the fashion world a platform to expand the creativity and imagination of designers while evolving with current technological innovations.   Our goal is to not only be the platform where new trends and styles launch, but to also be a catalyst in redefining the meaning of art and art […]

Fashion Meets AR: Express Yourself in the OVER Metaverse


Fashion Meets AR: Express Yourself in the OVER Metaverse

Define and refine your Digital Identity with greater avatar customization.   We have expanded OVER’s avatar wardrobe with a new app feature that allows 3D content creators and fashion brands to design assets for your avatar.  The previous version offered standard clothing items and pre-set outfits that prevented users from truly expressing their unique style. […]

OVER Marketplace: New and Improved UX, UI and Functions


OVER Marketplace: New and Improved UX, UI and Functions

Today is a big day for OVER! We work continuously to improve our Metaverse and the experience of the OVER Community.   Our Metaverse is constantly evolving with new functions being added. We needed to rethink the design and functionality of its central component: the Marketplace.  The initial Marketplace was introduced in November 2020, and […]

Buying OVR Tokens Just Got Easier with RAMP


Buying OVR Tokens Just Got Easier with RAMP

We’re ramping up our onboarding process by making it easy to obtain OVR Tokens. We’re also integrating Ramp with the OVER Marketplace so transactions can be made effortlessly in the OVER Metaverse.   Previously, users had to swap their managed tokens to OVR Tokens and were limited to swapping 100 tokens per month. Now with […]

OVER Rewards Lucky June OVRLand Buyers


OVER Rewards Lucky June OVRLand Buyers

In line with our upgraded tokenomics, we have randomly selected lucky OVRLand buyers in June and rewarded them with 10% (7769.49) of the total OVR Tokens realized from the June sale making it a total of 50%.  More info at our GitHub https://github.com/OVR-Platform/ovrland-monthly-chainlink-extractions   The following are the details of the winners: UUID: b764e916-0305-456f-8bcd-4f709ad0465d WALLET: […]

OVER App Release: Metamask Login Integration and Much More!


OVER App Release: Metamask Login Integration and Much More!

Summer isn’t the only thing that’s coming in hot! Our goal is to give you a better Metaverse experience.   Check out our latest OVER App update. We’re definitely heating it up with these three new features.   Metamask App Login Account Removal NFTs with Gravity   *************************   1. Metamask App Login   You can now […]

OVER Rewards Lucky May OVRLand Buyers


OVER Rewards Lucky May OVRLand Buyers

In line with our upgraded tokenomics, we have randomly selected lucky OVRLand buyers in May and rewarded them with 10% (7913.92) of the total OVR Tokens realized from the May sale making it a total of 50%.  More info at our GitHub https://github.com/OVR-Platform/ovrland-monthly-chainlink-extractions   The following are the details of the winners: UUID: 3c1256c7-a336-11ec-a084-1dfbd9c2d98a WALLET: […]

Kévin-Prince Boateng s’est marié sur la lune !


Kévin-Prince Boateng s’est marié sur la lune !

Click here to read the full article: https://www.sofoot.com/breves/kevin-prince-boateng-sest-marie-sur-la-lune

Kevin-Prince Boateng se marie sur la lune


Kevin-Prince Boateng se marie sur la lune

Click here to read the full article: https://www.20min.ch/fr/story/kevin-prince-boateng-se-marie-sur-la-lune-107426377954

Boateng e Valentina Fradegrada, nozze nel Metaverso. Enzo Miccio: «Un matrimonio spaziale»


Boateng e Valentina Fradegrada, nozze nel Metaverso. Enzo Miccio: «Un matrimonio spaziale»

    Click here to read the full article: https://www.leggo.it/gossip/news/boateng_valentina_fradegrada_matrimonio_metaverso_enzo_miccio_ultime_notizie_11_giugno_2022-6747517.html

Footballer Kevin-Prince Boateng Marries in the Metaverse with NFT Invitations


Footballer Kevin-Prince Boateng Marries in the Metaverse with NFT Invitations

Click here to read the full article: Footballer Kevin-Prince Boateng Marries in the Metaverse with NFT Invitations

Former AC Milan, Barcelona footballer Kevin-Prince Boateng marries on Moon in the metaverse


Former AC Milan, Barcelona footballer Kevin-Prince Boateng marries on Moon in the metaverse

Click here to read the full article: https://indianexpress.com/article/sports/football/former-ac-milan-barcelona-footballer-kevin-prince-boateng-marries-on-moon-in-the-metaverse-7967008/

Over The Reality, gli eventi nel metaverso sono da condividere con fan ed amici


Over The Reality, gli eventi nel metaverso sono da condividere con fan ed amici

Click here to read the full article: https://www.adnkronos.com/over-the-reality-gli-eventi-nel-metaverso-sono-da-condividere-con-fan-ed-amici_6UX2kKlRRfF7NaDclauntt

Over The Reality, il futuro della realtà aumentata


Over The Reality, il futuro della realtà aumentata

Click here to read the full article: https://www.corrieredelleconomia.it/2022/06/13/over-the-reality-il-futuro-della-realta-aumentata/

Kevin Prince Boateng e Valentina Fradegrada si sposano nel metaverso: le foto del matrimonio virtuale


Kevin Prince Boateng e Valentina Fradegrada si sposano nel metaverso: le foto del matrimonio virtuale

Click here to read the full article: https://www.ilfattoquotidiano.it/2022/06/12/kevin-prince-boateng-e-valentina-fradegrada-si-sposano-nel-metaverso-le-foto-del-matrimonio-virtuale/6623499/amp/