
You’ve already used Augmented Reality. You just didn’t know it.


You’ve already used Augmented Reality. You just didn’t know it.

Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/NrMGL5MR8uk  In a previous blog post, we talked about the differences between the various types of “reality” technology commonly grouped together as “extended reality” (XR). Many people will already have experienced Augmented Reality (AR) technology in their daily lives some years ago (yes, gamers, we’re looking at you), especially at the height of Pokemon […]

Introducing a Decentralized Autonomous Organization


Introducing a Decentralized Autonomous Organization

OVR is introducing the technology of Decentralized Autonomy Organization. As more and more innovative technologies continue to underlie our digital space, we would in no time achieve the goal of a completely smart and autonomous economy- a world at your fingertips, where you call the shots! There are currently a list of disruptive technologies, such […]

The indispensability of Non-Fungible Tokens


The indispensability of Non-Fungible Tokens

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are widely gaining more popularity in the blockchain space. Big companies like Formula 1, Ubisoft, Samsung, Nike, among others, are now adopting NFTs as an indispensable token for storing crypto collectibles, digital art works, virtual lands, and virtual games. This move has seen an increase in the demand for NFTs which is […]

OVR Live: a virtual assistant for old and young


OVR Live: a virtual assistant for old and young

Loneliness is now becoming a trend among young persons, a feeling I thought was only for seniors. For young persons, I would say their addiction to social media has taken the place of socialization- an antidote for loneliness, while for seniors, a common occurrence. However, there isn’t much that can be done to stop their […]

OVR Avatar: State of the Art AI Assistant


OVR Avatar: State of the Art AI Assistant

It’s no news that Augmented Reality allows users to contextualize and live their ideas, dreams and experiences as in the real world. It creates the illusion that the real and the virtual coexist in the same space. But how can this help users in their day to day lives? How can AI be used to […]

Augmented Reality and potential use cases


Augmented Reality and potential use cases

Augmented reality although a very innovative technology is still at its infancy, i.e. largely under-utilized. With most use cases strictly in gaming and a bit in online retailing, one would agree that the potential of AR technology is such that it is yet to be strongly felt around the world. Since the emergence of COVID-19, […]

Reasons why you should invest in Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)


Reasons why you should invest in Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

Non-fungible tokens (NFT) are a unique kind of tokens that are not interchangeable due to their individual distinctive attributes. Simply put, non-fungible tokens possess unique attributes that make it impossible for them to be replaced or exchanged. They are ERC-720 compliant, and have been mostly used in the storage of crypto-collectibles such as arts; providing […]

The Revolution that AR Tech can bring to the Gaming Industry


The Revolution that AR Tech can bring to the Gaming Industry

The Augmented Reality Market Forecast, according to IDC, was estimated to reach $27 billion in 2018, a 92% increase year over year, while the expected CAGR 2017–2022 is 72%. Largely due to the current rate at which it is used on smartphones, augmented reality is expected to reach billions of users in the coming years. […]

Ways you can earn from OVR NFT- OVRLand


Ways you can earn from OVR NFT- OVRLand

Augmented Reality is the next Tech revolution, and OVRLands is going to be the future of marketing methods. It is time to reserve the land as OVRland will be a hot cake in the close future. You want to know why? Read on! This revolutionary Tech is fast reshaping business models, providing businesses with better and more interactive mediums […]

Your next tour after the lockdown. OVR comes in handy?


Your next tour after the lockdown. OVR comes in handy?

The world never expected, nor prepared for this horrible pandemic! Just months ago, who would have imagined the world would be held to standstill, leaving people and business handicapped. We now realise that social activities like meeting people, travelling, visiting new places and sights, were things we paid less attention to, and would wish to […]

Augmented Reality is a Dream Come True for History Buffs


Augmented Reality is a Dream Come True for History Buffs

Are you one of those people who dream of going to France, not to take that cheesy picture with the Eiffel Tower, but to go up northwest of Paris to Omaha Beach, east to Verdun or Bastogne in Belgium, or head north to visit the Somme and other great battlefields from WW1 and WW2? Or perhaps you are more interested in following […]

Pokemon Go Was 2016, Now Get Ready For OVR


Pokemon Go Was 2016, Now Get Ready For OVR

You are now probably familiar with Pokemon Go and augmented reality. Just two short years ago, practically no one had heard of “augmented reality.” Then Pokémon Go exploded on the scene, and AR gaming took off. Pokemon Go revolutionized mobile gaming with the innovative use of augmented reality (AR). Who knew catching a Charmander or Squirtle could […]

8 Ways Marketers & Advertisers Can Take Advantage Of Augmented Reality


8 Ways Marketers & Advertisers Can Take Advantage Of Augmented Reality

Augmented reality is transforming marketing and advertising. The brands looking for innovative ways to emotionally connect with the audience realized the need to incorporate augmented reality into their marketing, advertising, and branding solutions. We all know retail is in the midst of a serious tech renaissance powered by augmented reality. But what does that mean […]

Discover Why Real Estate Investors Are Going Crazy Over Virtual Lands


Discover Why Real Estate Investors Are Going Crazy Over Virtual Lands

People are paying insane amounts of real money for virtual real estate. The future is once again knocking on our doors, and this time it comes in the form of virtual real estate. Virtual real estate has finally become a thing, and people are forking out thousands on virtual pieces of land. Imagine owning high-demand […]

Is Augmented Reality (AR) Blockchain’s Killer App?


Is Augmented Reality (AR) Blockchain’s Killer App?

How much better would Pokemon Go be if it were powered with blockchain? Photo Cred: David Grandmougin The number of projects present in the crypto world — most of which are powered by blockchain technology — is increasing rapidly each year. At the time of the writing of this post, there are 2447 cryptocurrencies listed on CoinMarketCap, many of these being […]

How close are we to stylish, lightweight AR headsets?


How close are we to stylish, lightweight AR headsets?

The race to create the world’s first commercially-successful augmented reality (AR) headset is heating up! Many see — and justifiably so — the AR headset as the sole piece of “wearable” tech that could catapult user / consumer experiences to another level. We’ve touched on how AR is — and will continue to — transform the […]